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What to pair with the Duppy Share? That’s the ultimate question!

We’ve got some recommendations here for you guys, so that you know exactly how to best drink Duppy for maximum flavour and maximum satisfaction.

We can all remember being on holiday, sipping delicious rum cocktails on the beach, but we know that back home it’s  easy to lose inspiration of what to mix with your drinks. It can be difficult to know what cocktail ingredients to use; do you go for fresh fruit, aromatics, juices, syrups, liqueurs, or something fizzy?

So, we thought we’d let you guys know our favourite mixer brands that pair really well with Duppy, so that you can create some banging, no fuss drinks at home.


First up we have Longtail.

We’d recommend their Ginger Lime as a perfect combo for our Spiced Rum, or if you’re feeling adventurous give their Blood Orange a go and create a refreshing, tangy drink.  Additionally, their Island Spiced works really well with our Aged rum, if you’re in the mood for something a little spicier and with great depth of flavour.

Our second recommendation is Fever Tree.

We are obsessed with their Smoky Ginger Ale and their classic Ginger Beer, because it doesn’t get better than rum and ginger. If you guys don’t believe us yet, go check out our Duppy Share Rum and Ginger Kit and If you’re in the mood for a lighter, summery spritz try mixing our Spiced Rum with Fever Tree’s White Grape and Apricot Soda for a more tropical, fun take on the G&T.

Our final recommendation is DASH water.

These guys make a great rum mixer, especially if you’re looking for a light, revitalising drink.

We’d recommend pairing our Spiced Rum with their Peach or Blackcurrant sparkling water for a fruity, fragrant combo. Or try mixing our Aged rum with their Raspberry sparkling water – perhaps add some lime, mint, and sugar syrup for a fun twist to a classic golden mojito?

So, there we have it, three great mixer brands that are sure to pair excellently with your Duppy drinks. Finally, we always think rum tastes better with a few friends. Whether on zoom or in real life, make sure you keep sharing the rum love.
